Flight Safety Standards

The Gambia Civil Aviation Authority > Flight Safety Standards


The Gambia Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is entrusted with the mandate to oversee and enforce the necessary requirements for the safe operation of civil aviation in accordance with the standards and practices set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Aviation Safety and Oversight Directorate (ASOD) is responsible for directing, regulating, and ensuring compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) to maintain a safe civil aviation environment. ASOD focuses on quality assurance, risk mitigation, and the effectiveness of civil aviation operations, with specific attention to Flight Operations, Airworthiness, and Personnel Licensing.

Personnel Licensing

As the regulatory authority for aviation safety in The Gambia, GCAA establishes a robust and progressive safety regulatory framework based on ICAO standards and international best practices. Aviation professionals and training organizations intending to work or operate within The Gambia must obtain the required licenses and approvals issued by GCAA. These licensing requirements ensure compliance with regulatory standards and the ability to operate safely within the country’s aviation system.

Flight Operations

The Flight Operations division is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the safety of aircraft operations, both commercial and private, within The Gambia. This includes certifying and conducting surveillance of air operators, aerial work organizations, and approved training organizations. The division ensures compliance with the Civil Aviation Act and its regulations, fulfilling the country’s obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation.


The Airworthiness division is tasked with regular safety oversight of aircraft maintenance and continuing airworthiness in The Gambia. It involves certifying and conducting surveillance of air operators, approved maintenance organizations, and approved training organizations. The division ensures compliance with the Civil Aviation Act and its regulations, as well as fulfilling the country’s obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation. By maintaining airworthiness standards, the division contributes to the overall safety of aircraft operations in civil aviation.

Aerodrome & Air Navigation

The Aerodrome and Air Navigation Section is charged with the responsibility of implementing the provision of aviation safety at all Gambian aerodromes and within Gambian airspace in accordance with the GCARs. The AAN Section is responsible for the regulatory and safety oversight of Aerodromes as well as the provision of Air Traffic Control, PANS-OPS, Aeronautical Search and Rescue, Aeronautical Information Services, Aeronautical Telecommunications Services and Aeronautical Meteorological Services 

Through these divisions, the GCAA upholds and enforces the necessary regulations and oversight to ensure the safe operation of civil aviation in The Gambia, promoting adherence to international standards and ensuring the highest level of safety for all aviation activities.